About Us
Ex-O-Wrist LLC., is a company that’s dedicated to improving the lives of many people with the fitness and rehab properties offered by its amazing product, the Ex-O-Wrist. From young and seasoned athletes to the senior citizen and everyone in between, the Ex-O-Wrist will help the user improve strength, flexibility and coordination and offers many clinical restorative properties that have been proven effective. Dr. Brian Foltz is a trusted and well-liked chiropractic professional who resides in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. He has been practicing for 34 years and acquired the license for the Ex-O-Wrist product several years ago. The Ex-O-Wrist has undergone changes over the years to make it the very best product of its kind in the marketplace for a variety of fitness and rehab applications. Brian has personally used the product to overcome physical limitations and has incorporated it into his practice where his patients have seen many positive results. The company operates its corporate and sales office in Worthington, Ohio and a marketing office in Aitkin, Minnesota.